Travelling is enjoyable activity for everyone. It is the time when you can let loose and forget your problems even for a while. Preparing for a trip is a must especially if you are the type to get everything ready. You can prevent potential travel hassles by preparing properly. It also includes the packing. Aside from clothing, thing you need to pack included medication. Even though having a trip means you can be free from everything, it doesn’t apply for your health because it is still your priority no matter what you are. It is even riskier if you travel without meds while you have serious health condition. Even if you are 100% healthy, packing some meds for travelling can be helpful. Besides, medication won’t take much space on your bag.

Should You Bring Meds For Travelling?
A young woman measuring her sugar on

Type of meds to bring for travelling

There are various handy medicines you can bring with you for travelling especially if your destination is abroad. Packing some meds just in case you get injured during your trip is helpful. Basic meds you need to bring beside your regular medication (if you have any) are:

Pain reliever or pain killers – During your trip, it is highly possible to suffer from pain such as muscle pain, abdominal pain, headache, toothache, etc. The causes are varied. It could be due to fatigue, jetlag, or due to your body in the process of adapting new environment. Paracetamol can be good alternative to relive pain as well as to deal with fever. It is over-the-counter meds so you can easily find it.

Motion sickness pills – These kinds of medication is important to bring if you are the type to get motion sickness during travelling. Road trip, boat trip, or cruising often make people suffer from motion sickness. Therefore, be ready to pack this medicine just in case.

Vomiting meds – Vomiting during a trip is quite common amongst travelers. Common medicine to deal with vomiting is metoclopramide. This medicine requires doctor’s prescription though. The cause of vomiting during travel can be varied but the most common causes is food poisoning. There is condition called traveler’s diarrhea which the symptoms include vomiting, nausea, fever, and cramp abdominal pain. Aside from taking this medicine, make sure to drink lots of water if you suffer from traveler’s diarrhea.

Eyedrops – This is also one of important meds you need to pack especially during travel when your activity includes sightseeing and exploring outdoor. This meds can deal with eye irritation that can easily happen especially in windy places or destination where pollutant is quite thick.

Antiseptic cream – This meds is important to bring especially when you are going to travel with kids. They are prone to injury since they are very active. This is helpful when you or when one of your travel mates suffer accidental abrasions, allergic reaction, or insect bites on their skin. Aside from antiseptic cream, steroid cream will be very helpful to bring as well to treat allergic reaction. For easy packing, make sure to put meds in place that is easy to reach.